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Rhapsodys Red Glitter Girl



1999 Sorrel Mare


ASPC Registered

Congress Champion Producer

Maternal Granddam to 3x National Grand Champion halter Mare


Bar G's Rock E Philharmonic   x   Red Crescent Gina Lou Ed

 (Bar G's Rock E  x  B&L's Moonlight's Lacy Lady)                                                                       (H.V. King Of All  x  Inka Rue Gidget)

What can I say about this wonderful mare?  She was one of my very first purchases in the American Shetlands and has been so good to me.  From the scrawny little yearling that I first brought home, she grew into a beautiful broodmare that has produced wonderful foal after wonderful foal.   I'm sure you have heard the term "Blessed Are The Broodmares", but Glitter has blessed me for many years.  Gitter is by the amazing Hall Of Fame Stallion, Bar G's Rock E Philharmonic (Bar G's Rock E x B&L's Moonlight's Lacy Lady), and out of Red Crescent Gina Lou Ed (H.V. King Of All x Inka Rue Gidget).  Glitter shares much of the same breeding as our beautiful Rhapsodys Kiss Me Kate.  One of her beautiful daughters, Star Struck's Heart Of Gold, has stepped into the forefront as one of our best producers and another one of her daughters, Star Struck Hershey's Sweet Serenity, is expecting her first foal in 2019.  Glitter is the maternal granddam to the 3x National Grand Champion Halter Mare, Star Struck's Gold's Bay Beauty.  I felt it was time to give Glitter some well-deserved time off from raising babies.  She is looking wonderful though and I am tempted to breed her again.  We love our Glitter Girl and all that she has contributed to our farm! 

Owned By

Star Struck American Shetlands



Rhapsody Red Glitter Girl

Produced By

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Star Struck

American Shetlands

Star Struck American Shetlands

Rick, Bobbi Kay & Aspen Noble
Longview, TX

Modern Miniature Shetlands

Kay Pate
Longview, TX

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